Religion and World Views
Leadership of Religion and World Views at Grove Primary School.
Accountable: Mr Stephen Moore
Responsible: Mrs Claire Rough and Miss Rachel Allen
At Westwood Primary School, the intent of our Religion and World Views curriculum is to teach all our children about the rich and varied variety of views and beliefs around the world. We aim to develop a curiosity within our learners so that they are respectful citizens within the local community and the wider world. The curriculum will open doors to an understanding of the different faiths. The foundations that are set in the Early Years and are built upon as children move through the school where they are exposed to the other main faith groups. We aim that our curriculum will provide the children with the experiences of seeing and hearing from different members of our community and the faiths, which will enrich their lives and bring a variety of faiths into the school. Children will be reflective about their learning and be confident enough to relate it to their own lives and the faiths found in their local community. We recognise that many of the children at Westwood Primary School have limited exposure to a diverse range of religious and cultural practises. Therefore, our curriculum aims to give children knowledge beyond their immediate world and experiences.
All Religion and Worldviews units begin with a big question and children work towards answering this as the unit progresses. Children are also encouraged to develop and answer their own questions. Religion and Worldviews is taught weekly for one hour as a discrete subject. Links to other curriculum areas are important in children developing their schema and understanding of the world. From EYFS to 6, our children investigate these religions and world views: Humanism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Islam.
At the end of a unit we consider assessment statements on the medium term planning, which summarise children’s learning against the unit's key learning outcomes.
RWV Pillars

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and/or collective worship. Please discuss with your child's class teacher in the first instance.
Key Stage Progression Assessment
RWV Key Stage Progression Assessment
Staff Handbook
Long Term Plan
Medium Term Planning